Real Estate Mortgage Brokers & Lenders

Loan City Home Loans

9270 Madison Ave
Folsom, CA (916) 726-7777

About Us

If you’re looking to purchase a home or refinance a mortgage Loan City Home Loans won’t let hurdles stand in the way. Loan City Home Loans feels it starts by properly qualifying borrowers, not properly qualifying borrowers is recipe for disaster and will only lead to frustrated clients. At Loan City Home Loans we pledge not to leave our customers disappointed and will not back off if a client does not have a perfect financial profile. We’re in it for the long haul if necessary and will advise the client on what needs to be done in order to qualify for a mortgage. Loan City is determined to configure loan packages that will be affordable and fair for all parties involved. Loan City Home Loans doesn’t believe the process ends once your loan closes. Since its relationships we are building with our clients we maintain contact with our clients well beyond a year after their loan has closed. We’re committed to faster closings at cheaper rates and providing individualized attention to our customers.


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